Blog,  From One Writer To Another

On Being A Writer And Having Faith

It takes faith to be a writer. Yes, you read that correctly. It takes faith.

Faith to spend hours, days, weeks, and months writing something you have no idea how many people will read.

Faith to be willing to make mistakes in order to improve.

Faith to put your thoughts, your experiences, and your story out there for anyone to read.

Faith to publish your book in the full knowledge that people may not like what you have to say.

Faith to be willing to be judged by others for your vulnerability.

It takes faith; I tell you.

Thank God, He has given me the faith to do it. Thank God, He has shown me I need to get over myself.

You see, my book is not about me. It’s not about fame or fortune. It’s not about people-pleasing. It’s about obedience to God.

That’s why I write. That’s why God has given me the faith.