On Being A Writer And Having Faith
It takes faith to be a writer. Yes, you read that correctly. It takes faith. Faith to spend hours, days, weeks, and months writing something you have no idea how many people will read. Faith to be willing to make mistakes in order to improve. Faith to put your thoughts, your experiences, and your story out there for anyone to read. Faith to publish your book in the full knowledge that people may not like what you have to say. Faith to be willing to be judged by others for your vulnerability. It takes faith; I tell you. Thank God, He has given me the faith to do it. Thank…
On Being A Writer And Seeing My Limitations
I’m a writer. I see my limitations. I know there’s much for me to learn. And like this flower, I feel fragile. As if, at any moment, the wind might tear me apart. Because, let’s face it, my writing—like me—is imperfect. But then I’m reminded of this truth: despite being a fragile vessel, my Father holds me. He wills to use me and my story, no matter how faulty the delivery. He reminds me again and again that it’s not ultimately about me. It’s about responding in obedience to Him. I’m a writer because I’ve been called to write. I’m a writer because I can’t not write. I’m a writer…
Jesus Is Calling Me
Jesus is calling me To go against the grain To walk by faith on rocky terrain To listen to His voice In the middle of the noise and pain Reflections by
On Being A Writer And Battling Self-Doubt
Own it! As a writer, you struggle with self-doubt. If you don’t, you’re a rare specimen! In all my reading about writing (Joanna Penn, Jerry Jenkins, Nick Stephenson, et al) I’ve found that self-doubt is a very common phenomenon in writers. In her book The Successful Author Mindset Joanna Penn not only has a whole chapter on self-doubt and imposter syndrome, but she has a myriad of related chapters: “Fear Of Failure”; “Fear Of Rejection and Criticism”; “Your Inner Critic”, “Fear Of Judgement”; “Perfectionism”, “Writer’s Block And Procrastination”; “I’m Not Creative. I Don’t Have Any Ideas”; “My Writing Isn’t Original”; “Why Write? There Are Already Too Many Books In The…
On Being A Writer And Getting Overwhelmed
Ok, let’s face it. Writers have their work cut out for them. Even traditionally published ones. Not only do we write books, but most of us have a series of other tasks to do. These tasks often include: Website maintenance Content marketing (blogs, podcasts, videos, courses, social media) Reading books – a sure-fire way to become a better writer Improving in the writing craft with courses and writing exercises Connecting with other authors to collaborate Connecting with bloggers to collaborate Connecting with podcasters to collaborate (you get the idea!) Connecting with authors for support / joining writer groups Connecting with readers via social media or email Managing paid adds Creating…
On Being A Writer And Using Social Media
The other day, an author friend of mine shared a post asking her writer friends if they loved or hated social media. I read through the comments and I noticed two things. One: a lot of authors said they struggled with social media. Two: Not one person said social media was optional. Indeed, most authors commenting said they thought it was necessary. I commented back on a few and gave my perspective: “no, social media is not necessary.” This may sound odd coming from someone who has and uses social media as an author. Yet, I have my reasons to believe so. In their book “The Relaxed Author” Joanna Penn…
On Being A Writer And Creating Expectations
I love that I get to write. I love processing my thoughts in writing. I love it when my words bless someone across oceans, miles, and cultures. And yet, there are some things I wasn’t prepared for when I started my writing journey. I wasn’t prepared for the rejection I would feel when a friend didn’t bother to buy my book. Or the hurt I would feel when someone said they didn’t get my story. Or the pain I would feel when sales did not correspond to my expectations. Not that I ever expected my book to be a bestseller. Or that I expected my book to be for everyone.…
My name is Anna, and I’m a wife, mother, blogger, and author. In 2020, I started writing my first book: Unique – A Mother’s Journey. The book is written in the style of a memoir, as it is an account of my experiences as a young mother, and what God taught me through them. It is now available on Amazon as a paperback, ebook and hardcover copy. Later on, in 2020, I also started my blog “Unique Mums”, where I write articles on uniqueness, worth, and identity, in light of God’s word. I also share homemaking tips and tricks, recipes, stories, and much more. You can read more about the Unique Mums blog…